Kim Smith Reiki

Holistic Energy Wellness

I'm a Master Teacher in Usui Holy Fire III Reiki, an Affiliate member of The International Center for Reiki Training, a member of The Reiki Healing Association, and a Professional member of The International Association of Reiki Professionals.

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Meet Kim

I'm a Mom, a Mimi, a friend. I'm a creator, a lover of nature. I'm passionate about energy healing, and I care about health, happiness and love.

How did my Reiki path begin?

As a very young child I was gifted with my intuitive abilities and sensing the needs of others. I could easily feel the positive and negative energies around me.

My Reiki path has been a beautiful, energetic, and life changing journey. It started two decades ago, before I ever heard of Reiki or knew what it was! Typically, one must be “attuned” to the healing energy of Reiki, but it has been documented that some are born with it.

After the birth of my grandbabies, I found myself placing my hands over their heads, the third eye, and sending them love and positive energy. Then I would move down to the heart area, and lastly I would pray over them. Was I born with it? Who knows, I feel like I was. I will tell you that Reiki found me! I just didn’t know it.

And then....

When I heard about Reiki and went to my first session, I was hooked!. The experience was amazing! The energy I received, the relaxation and grounding, it was all amazing. During one of my sessions, the Reiki practitioner asked me what message I had just received. The message was that I needed to become a Reiki practitioner.

My life changed and shifted to a new energetic level as I walked into this amazing Reiki life!

I’m continually learning and expanding my knowledge on energy healing and exploring other avenues of energy healing.

And now...

Now I spend my days promoting and teaching Reiki, teaching friends and family how to be grounded and raise their vibrations. I assist with clearing their energy and helping them to heal, relax and focus.

Services Offered

Reiki sessions, in-person and distant (online), and animal Reiki.

Reiki classes, levels I and II. Classes are held in-person and online.

Meditations in-person and online.

Reiki Explained

Reiki promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Life source energy flows through pathways in and around the bodies of all living things. Stress and traumas can hinder the freedom of the energy flow. Over time, if left untreated, energy becomes blocked. Mental and physical symptoms then occur. Reiki restores the energy flow which supports the body’s natural healing process.

The healing energy, guided by a higher source of consciousness, moves within, promoting healing in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic levels.

Reiki is safe, gentle and loving, there are no side effects nor complications and is beneficial for any age, from infants to the elderly, pregnant women, as well as animals.

This beautiful energy relieves stress, pain, promotes relaxation, releases emotional and energetic blockages, accelerates healing, balances the body’s energy as well as supports other medical modalities of traditional therapies. Reiki helps to balance and clear your aura, chakras, and meridians.

Reiki can do no harm, it is pure and unconditional loving energy!

Sleek Minimalist Lotus Flower

How does the energetic field affect the physical body?

First you must understand that energy healing happens in layers, we uncover, remove and heal one layer at a time.

Before anything occurs physically, there must be the potential for it in the energy field. For example, when someone catches a cold, the person has been run down energetically for some time to the point where the aura is weak or open. The energetic defenses are down and this will lead to or allow pathogens to easily enter and affect the body.

Energy healing can only occur when a person consciously or subconsciously, receives the healing and is ready and willing for a change or a shift. For the healing process to be effective, we must be open to becoming aware of what we’ve held on to that has created so much disharmony and is no longer serving us. Then we have to take responsibility to release it and do the work to improve the overall health of the energy field and physical body. Both energy and physical body need to be in harmony to be healthy.

The goal of Reiki treatments is to strengthen and clear the client’s flow of energy so that the energy blockages will be released, energetic pathways will open thus allowing the body to relax so as to fight any physical, emotional, mental ailments and heal itself.

Regular sessions have a profound effect on all levels of healing (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual). Reiki will also compliment other therapies that you may be using.

Reiki is an incredible and amazing energy that empowers us to heal and renew within.

What happens after the session?

You should feel calm, relaxed, and rested. I have had some clients tell me they have experienced better sleep and an increase in physical energy.

These amazing results can last a few days and possibly even up to 2 weeks. I also tell my clients that at best you could feel an amazing shift, feel empowered and at worst you may feel as though you just had a massage.

Regular sessions may be needed depending on you, and your needs.

*Please note that Reiki is NOT intended to replace medical care. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure an illness. Reiki can enhance medical therapies. Restoring your bodies natural state of relaxation and reducing stress helps your body to heal itself.

Reiki Sessions & Meditation

Distant Reiki Session

$65 per session

  • To schedule your online session, contact Kim via email at
  • Payment will be made through Paypal
  • Once payment has been received, a zoom link will be sent to you
  • Additional information for the session will be emailed to you

In-Person Reiki

$65 per session

  • To schedule your session, contact Kim via email at
  • Payment can be made in person or through Paypal

Online Meditation

Coming soon!

  • To reserve your spot, contact Kim via email at
  • Payment will be made through Paypal
  • Once payment has been received, a zoom link wlll be sent to you

In-Person Meditation

Date to be determined

  • To reserve your spot, contact Kim via email at
  • Payment can be made through Paypal or made in person

Bloom, in the Divine Feminine

New group, coming soon!

Client Reviews

“Kim introduced me to Reiki, it is very healing and Kim is amazing! She explains everything to you and is guided to work on your problem areas. It is wonderful to be able to be healed by energy. It is so relaxing and for me very spiritual.” -P.N

“I had my first Reiki session with Kim and I'm so excited to go back! My experience was one of calming and healing. Kim is very kind, professional and was spot on with her assessment after our session. She has a true gift!” -J.E.

“Kim is wonderful with her reiki! I’ve had distance sessions twice now and I always feel so at ease and relaxed when she is done!! Highly recommend you give it a try!” -J.S.

“I've gone to Kim twice now and both times I've left feeling very relaxed. I'm under a great deal of stress and anxiety after losing my mother and I can definitely feel a difference in both mind and body. The atmosphere is very peaceful and relaxing as well. After the session Kim thoroughly goes over everything that she experienced while scanning my body and also goes over any sensations or feelings I experienced as well. I would definitely recommend going to see Kim for a Reiki session!” -B.T.

“I have had a number of reiki sessions performed by Kim, all of them great. But 1 in particular stands out for me, I was to replace a person at work that has a lot of responsibility and I was stressed about this. It just so happened that I had a session scheduled the night before. I woke up the next morning feeling so relaxed and carefree and that day went so smooth and drama free. I know it was all because Kim released all the negative energy from me. I highly recommend Kim for her service, you won’t regret it.” -D.S.

Reiki Class Information

Understanding Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s done through a light touch, laying the hands on the body or hovering above. A warm and soothing energy flows from the hands into the client, promoting relaxation and releasing tension. Reiki energy healing is a technique that brings the mind and body to a relaxed and peaceful state.

When your body is in a relaxed state and tension is removed, the body can then begin to heal itself.

Reiki is an unlimited source. The healing energy is guided by a higher Source of consciousness. Reiki energy moves to where it is needed, promoting healing on all levels (physical, mental & emotional, and spiritual). Reiki is a holistic natural alternative way of self healing (Energy Medicine and Biofield Therapy). Reiki is safe, gentle, loving and beneficial for all ages and stages in life.

Usui Reiki with Holy Fire energy has no religious affiliation.

Reiki I and II Course Information

This is a two day course (1 day each for level one and level two), a total of 16 hours class time and instruction. You will learn the history and lineage of Usui Reiki, you’ll practice giving Reiki and gain confidence in the practice. Upon completion you will be a Certified Usui Holy Fire III Reiki I and II Practitioner.

In this course you will be connected to Reiki and learn to be a beautiful source of pure love. You will open to the incredible flow of Reiki energy and be able to channel the energy for yourself and others. This Reiki technique is a divine gift from a higher Source. It’s an amazing lifestyle journey through energy healing, an awakening, an intuitive connection and a higher level of consciousness.

You will receive and activate Usui Reiki and Holy Fire energy. If you are already a Reiki practitioner, you will be upgraded to the Holy Fire energy.

The higher vibration you receive from the Reiki Holy Fire connection will empower your intuitive ability. The more you practice Reiki, the stronger and deeper connection to Reiki will happen and your intuition will sharpen.

What will you learn and gain?

  • History and lineage of Reiki
  • The nature of Reiki energy
  • Reiki ideals (original and modern)
  • The Holy Fire upgrade
  • Hand placements/positions
  • Anatomy for Reiki
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques
    • The Three Pillars of Reiki(Gassho, Reiji-Ho, Chiryo)
    • Byosen Scanning, Gyosh-Ho, Kenyoku, Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho and Enkaku chirya
  • Self Reiki and sending distant Reiki
  • Reiki symbols (Level II course)
  • You will give and receive Reiki in class
  • Placements for Reiki (the process of connecting to the Reiki energy)
  • Code of Ethics
  • Standards of Practice

Upon completion you will receive:

  • Continued mentoring with me
  • You will have a connection with the other students in the class
  • You will be a Certified Usui Holy Fire III Reiki I & II practitioner, your certification will be mailed to you
  • You will be eligible for the Usui Holy Fire III Reiki World Peace Master Teach class

Your Reiki power is like an aura, it’s a glow and you are radiating out. No darkness can penetrate you.” Hawayo Takata

*** Payment plans are available!! Payment in full must be made prior to class. Instruction book will be mailed when the final payment is received.

Reiki Classes

Online Reiki I and II Class

Coming in August/September

  • $395
  • 16 hours of zoom class (2 days)
  • $150 deposit due at time of registering for the class.

Reiki manual will be mailed to you prior to the course. The certification will be mailed to you upon the completion of the course.

You will learn the Reiki fundamentals, history, hand position, symbols and so much more!

Upon completion of the course you will be a Certified Usui Reiki I & II Holy Fire III Practitioner.

Email to register

In-Person Reiki I & II Class

Saturday July 27th and August 10th

9am to 4pm

  • $395
  • 16 hours of class (2 days)
  • $150 deposit due at time of registering for the class.

Reiki manual will be mailed to you prior to the course. The certification will be given to you upon the completion of the course.

You will learn the Reiki fundamentals, history, hand position, symbols and so much more!

Upon completion of the course you will be a Certified Usui Reiki I & II Holy Fire III Practitioner.

Email to register

Student Reviews

“Like most people, my days are busy and scheduled. I jump from one task and onto the next. I have trouble quieting/clearing my mind, being still, sleeping and have suffered from migraines most of my life. Since attending the Reiki I and II classes, I begin each day with a brief meditation. I’m more thankful and try to be more observant of my surroundings/in the moment. The frequency of my migraines has decreased as I feel Reiki has helped me better relax and to focus on more positive thoughts. Kim is a wonderful instructor and her warmth and passion are inspiring.” - S. F.

“Kim has an amazing soul! Her passion is health and wellbeing. Reiki is her way of life. She practices, reads up on it, and is constantly learning about this “wonderful spiritually guided life energy”.

I took the First and Second Degree classes with Kim. It is filled with so much information and the Holy Fire is amazing! Kim is filled with wisdom and cares so much about teaching you all she can. She made sure all of our questions were answered. She filled our heads and hearts with positive thoughts. The life energy you receive is none less than amazing! She follows up with us now, months after the class to see how we are doing. You will leave her classes with a full heart. As I said, she is amazing!” - P.N.

connect with kim

“Reiki is love,

Love is wholeness,

Wholeness is balance,

Balance is wellbeing,

Wellbeing is freedom from disease.”

- Dr. Mikao Usui

Feel free to contact me with any questions:

Stay in the loop and sign up for a monthly email!

Send me your email address to receive news and updates.

My intent and promise: I will hold you in the highest honor and respect. Your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and energetic safety is my priority. The space we hold together is safe and confidential. Your best interest and wellbeing is of utmost importance to me.

DISCLAIMER - Kim Smith Reiki, Holistic Energy Wellness, offers holistic energy work opportunities to promote and restore the body's natural state of relaxation and stress reduction for well being. It does not diagnose, treat or cure any illness. Services and products that you choose, you do so at your own choosing and risk.